Frequenty asked questions

You do not need a referral to see one of our psychologists. However, if you do have a referral from a paediatrician, psychiatrist, or GP, you can claim a Medicare rebate. You may be eligible for 6-10 sessions per calendar year depending on your presenting concerns. If you are referred by a doctor, we will write back to the doctor after the initial consultation, 6th session and 10th session. You will need to return to the doctor for a re-referral after the 6th session. Rebates cannot be claimed for the 7th session without a re-referral. Parents are able to claim up to two parent only sessions which are deducted from their child’s referral.
See above. In most circumstances, and where eligible, your psychologist can process the rebate for you through our practice management software which saves you time doing it yourself.
You cannot use your own Mental Health Care Plan when attending sessions without your child to discuss your child. Mental Health Care Plans can only be used to treat the person whose name the Mental Health Care Plan is under, for the mental health concern of the person named in the Mental Health Care Plan.
Payment is required in full at the time of service. Credit card details are stored on our secure online system.
If your psychologist is attending a school visit, pre-payment is required. You can do this by calling our reception team who can take payments over the phone. Deposits are required for assessments and initial consultations. Our full payment terms are sent prior to your initial consultation.
During initial contact, our friendly reception team will take down some useful information before sending an online intake form to your chosen email address. When completing our online intake form we ask that you provide as much information as possible and attach any relevant previous reports. The information you provide will help your psychologist learn more about why you are coming and help them in providing a productive and welcoming first session.
After booking your first appointment, you will receive an SMS with a link to a background information form. We ask that you complete this as early as possible prior to attending your first appointment. The information you provide will help your psychologist learn more about why you are coming and help them in providing a productive and welcoming first session.
Solution Psychology does not hold a wait list for therapy, if we have available appointments our client relationship team will be able to book a suitable appointment with a psychologist that is carefully matched to meet your needs.
If we do not have an available psychologist, we will provide alternative referral pathways for you.
For assessments, where we are unable to provide an appointment, we will add you to a short waiting list and provide updates on your place on the waiting list.
Solution has ongoing relationships with Melbourne and Monash University enabling us to offer short term intervention and assessments as well as reduced costs services, often reducing wait times.
When our books are full, you are welcome to sign up to our newsletter via our main page Sign up to our newsletter and we will keep you up to date with when new places become available.
This will vary considerably depending on the age of the child and the presenting concerns. Your psychologist will explain the suitability of you being in the session with your child. Typically for older children, we will provide feedback to the parent where appropriate and with the consent of the child. Our aim is to have a collaborative approach and work together as a team. In most cases, the child will attend sessions independently without their parent, however this is very individual for each situation.
For assessments, children will attend the session on their own except in the case of very young children (e.g. under 3 years). Your psychologist will explain this when they meet you.
At Solution Psychology all our assessments are individualised to ensure that we meet the
needs or our clients and most importantly that we answer the reason for your referral. The
above diagram shows our brief process and the following pages outline more detail, answer our most frequently asked questions and explain the costs involved.
All our assessments commence with an intake appointment and end with a feedback and
detailed report.
For a copy of our assessment information pack please contact us.
No, however we see many self-managed clients. Self-managed NDIS clients are treated as private paying clients, we issue invoices and clients claim privately.
We do not accept referrals for plan or agency managed NDIS clients.
Click here to See our full late notice policy here
Prior to your appointment:
- Decide which device you are going to use for your Zoom session, you can use your phone, iPad, laptop or desktop.
- If using a handheld device download the ZOOM app on your phone or device via the app store or Google Play. Be sure to do this in plenty of time prior to your appoitnment.
- If using your laptop or desktop, you will be prompted to download zoom via the invitation your psychologist sends or you can download here
At your scheduled appointment:
- Your psychologist will send you a ZOOM link via email. When you click on the link, follow the prompts. Make sure you allow your device to use the microphone and camera.
- Here is a little video that outlines how to join a zoom session
- If your link has not been sent to you, first check that your payment has been processed, links will not be sent for cards with insufficient funds. Contact our admin team if you do not have your link.
- Make sure that you have a full battery in preparation
- Practice placing the phone, iPad, laptop or computer in a suitable location so that your psychologist can see you
- Make sure the camera and audio is turned on (it is a good idea to practice before your scheduled session time)
How do I pay for a zoom session:
You can pay for non face-to-face sessions via credit card which is stored in our secure encrypted system or via direct credit. Links will not be sent if your payment has failed. Payment is processed on the morning of your appointment.
If you have any questions please call us on 9988 7760.
Yes, for the safety of your child we require parents to remain onsite for the duration of your appointment. We provide work stations and guest wifi for you to stay connected as well as a cup of our wellness tea.
In March 2023, Medicare introduced two parent/carer rebates per calendar year. This means that parents are able to attend up to two sessions without their child (pending child consent). These sessions form part of your child plan meaning that if a parent attends two parent only appointments, their child will have eight remaining sessions in the calendar year. Sessions attended without a child are privately funded and therefore out of pocket. Some private health funds may provide a rebate, in such cases it is best to check with your individual health fund.