
We offer a range of assessments across the lifespan, including autism, adhd and cognitive assessments. All of our assessments come with written reports and feedback sessions. Our reports are easy to read and contain practical strategies. Other reports are available including behavioural assessments and reports to support funding applications.

A diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder requires a team of professionals, all experienced in autism assessment and diagnosis, to agree on the diagnosis. Therefore, children must be seen by a paediatrician or a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, a psychologist and a speech pathologist or occupational therapist. Those professionals then consult together before an outcome is reached. Usually after all the assessments are complete, the child is seen by their paediatrician.

At Solution Psychology, we use only GOLD standard tools in the diagnosis of Autism. The assessment is between 4-5 sessions and includes a comprehensive written report which includes our formulation and treatment plan. These are discussed in detail at our feedback session. Our assessments are tailored to the needs of the child. Contact us to receive a copy of our Assessment information pack

(WPPSI ages 2-7 years; WISC ages 6 – 16 years).

A cognitive assessment is an IQ test which provides an indication of the individuals strengths and weaknesses. 

 Areas assessed:

  • Verbal Comprehension
  • Visual Spatial
  • Fluid Reasoning
  • Working Memory
  • Processing Speed

Cognitive assessments are essential when diagnosing intellectual disability, giftedness, learning difficulties, dyslexia, working memory deficits and auditory processing issues.

The cognitive assessment process takes at least 2 sessions and includes a detailed report. Contact us to receive a copy of our assessment information pack.

Includes a cognitive assessment and an adaptive behaviour assessment. The cognitive assessment process takes 2 sessions and the completion of a teacher/parent form and includes a detailed report. Contact us to receive a copy of our assessment information pack.

An educational assessment includes a cognitive assessment and academic assessment. To determine whether a child has a learning difficulty or disability or is gifted in a specific learning area both assessments are required. The educational assessment process usually takes 3 sessions and includes a detailed report. Areas assessment may include Reading, Spelling, Maths, Oral Language, Listening Comprehension. Educational Assessments are used to diagnose Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia. Contact us to receive a copy of our assessment information pack.

ADHD assessment include a comprehensive interview, assessment, offsite observation and teacher consultation (child), questionnaires, detail report and feedback.


An academic assessment is an achievement test which provides information about your child’s ability in core academic areas. Areas assessed may include:

  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Maths
  • Oral Language
  • Listening Comprehension

These assessments provide age equivalents to help determine areas of strengths of weakness for your child across academic areas. This information is vital in the diagnosis of specific learning disabilities including dyslexia and dyscalculia. The educational assessment process usually takes 2 sessions and includes a detailed report. Contact us to receive a copy of our assessment information pack.

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To book an appointment, please call us on (03) 9988 7760.

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